Saturday, November 15, 2008

Youth Can Disciple!

Do you ever have a problem finding people to help as youth sponsors? As a youth leader do you sometimes feel your head is spinning trying to be “all things to all kids”? Why not let the youth disciple other youth? They can relate better to the needs of their colleagues and they gain valuable experience in mentoring and making disciples, following the command of Christ.

There has been much written about youth leaving the church after high school because their only connection to the church is through the youth leader. Having youth discipling other youth broadens that church connection and will help build a solid spiritual foundation into the future.

I remember being a rookie youth pastor, our ministry was growing, and we only had three adult sponsors! What to do! We had a large group session each week usually focusing on a passage of Scripture followed by small group application and prayer time. If there was any evening left, we would play games and “hang-out!”

It occurred to me to have the core students lead the growing small groups at youth group. Several church leaders became concerned about this and called a special meeting to discuss it with the Christian education committee. The Sunday the committee was to meet we baptized 3 or 4 of the teens our core students had reached. The committee meeting was brief after that, ending with prayers for more workers (including core youth students) to be sent into the harvest. I’m glad of God’s timing and His use of students in the discipleship of other students.

Youth can serve! Youth can disciple!

Dr. Gregory C. Carlson
Chair and Professor of Christian Ministries
Trinity International University
Deerfield, IL

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